No purchase form needed; No lesson plans required

I am sitting down enjoying hot coffee on the weekend while reading #InnovateInsideTheBox by George Couros and Katie Novak… Once a year I deep dive into a book, ready to be inspired and question the possibilities of  “What If…?”  “Isn’t this good for kids?”  “How can we be better for our students?”  I felt compelled to reflect and share after reading the section on Relationships.

Schools first investment of the school year tends to reside on the budget of a new curriculum or new programs.  Teachers work hard to lesson plan, pulling resources and materials to make learning relevant.  As articulated by George Couros, schools need to prioritize and put first things first-  invest in “social capital.”  Yes, relationships.  Students need to be continuously connected.  If students do not feel they matter or bring value, all the educational tools we purchase or implement won’t be relevant to intellectual growth.

As Rita Pierson advocated as an educational leader, “Human Connection is key.”  There are many teachers that see the value in relationships by greeting their students at the door, special high fives.  My youngest son’s first homework assignment in fourth grade was to create a special greeting that he had to teach his teacher and that was only done by him and his teacher every morning.  The outcome? A positive interaction while at school.  He mattered.  Many schools start the first day with the school year by having the student leaders greet and cheer all those that enter the campus.  What about the other 179 days of the school year?  Are we okay with students only receiving one human connection in the school year or the school day?  What if building relationships was a whole school process?  All teachers, administrators, instructional aides, counselors and coaches collectively made sure every child, every day know they bring value.  Again, no program purchases required.  Just positive human interaction… high fives, “Good Morning!”, “Happy Friday!”, “Good to see you!”…

As I travel from school site to the school site, I will make an intentional effort to show that every person on campus matters and brings value.  Eye contact, a friendly smile, “Good Morning!”.  I am known to give high fives…What will you do to be more intentional, not just for your students, but for ALL students at your site?  Schools are systems for people.  Let’s capitalize on humanization first! Let’s create a culture where students want to be a part of…