Reflect on the WHY- Refine Your Purpose


Image result for Golden Circle

When I started as a classroom teacher 18 years ago, my purpose was to help students see the value in being a lifelong learner and to help guide the students toward their full potential. I modeled how to be passionate about learning and how to explore new concepts.  With strong student relationships and structuring the day so the students were “doing”  (believing that students should be empowered to do more than the teacher),   I concentrated my teaching practices on my grade level team’s cohesive beliefs, utilized the published curriculum and three-day district training with fidelity. I relied on the publishers and the minimal teacher PD for my How? and What? My pedagogy was crafted by smashing, tweaking, borrowing and retrofitting for my students.

As my pedagogy has evolved,  I knew it was time to take a step back to adjust my golden circle.  It is time to gather all my reflections and learning…hone in on why teachers and students need me in the educational system.  I don’t deserve a space because I have been claimed a professional due to my credential or my tenured contract.  I deserve a position in education because my purpose in education is reflective to all learners.

I still believe in “lifelong learning”, however, now I want to dive deeper and mold the Why? with greater intention.  As an educator, I believe all students and teachers should be expert learners.  Learning isn’t just the process of unraveling content or the exploration of the unknown.  To become an expert learner or a lead learner, it requires one to continuously:

  • self-monitor
  • find coping strategies
  • receive feedback
  • track and reflect upon personal growth.

Is relating and connecting with students and teachers still important to me?  You bet!  It is key so I can move and motivate other learners to see the value in themselves.

But now my How? involves empowerment and agency so students and teachers can target their own struggles and growth.  As we all know, one size does not fit all.  Nor should one have to wait for “the moment of opportunity.”  One publisher source, one “best practice” is not practical.  Three-day in-services do not provide teachers with all they need to know, target or innovate.  Similarly, a lesson with one access point toward mastery is not efficient for student mastery.

My What?  supports personalized development throughout the year; as a process, not an event (right @katiemartinedu ?).  Instead of waiting for someone to tell you what to do, expert and lead learners utilize frequent metacognitive thinking and the power of peer support.  Goals, rubrics, feedback, refinement, and self-assessment is an ongoing cycle- Not before parent conference, not before the end of year evaluations. Multiple means of representation, expression, and engagement allow the learner to choose what they specifically need to support their personal pathways for development.   Learners have control and the tools for the personal improvement needed.  No one has to necessarily wait for one specific person or one specific moment.  Learners advocate, initiate, and self-start!  The perfect product, the perfect lesson is not relevant.  The process of development is what is to be achieved and celebrated.  

By any means do I feel that my golden circle is a finished product.  I am constantly researching, learning from various PLCs, experimenting, and co-creating with colleagues.  I don’t know it all, regardless of the credentials I hold and the training I have received.  I am reflective of my value and aware of the essential relevance of change.   To bring purpose to the learning community, I must refine and be aware of my Why?  I know the school year is busy, but make time to think about you; think of your value!  With your team or by yourself, dive deep into your golden circleWhat is your Why?